Hi Friends of Vi Bella and of Haiti,

I’m writing today with a very heavy heart for the people and country of Haiti. Once again, Haiti is in the midst of extreme turmoil. Demonstrators are protesting in many ways; marches, roadblocks of burning tires, vandalism, violence and threats of violence. The result is that hundreds of thousands of innocent people are affected by not being able to travel, go to work or school, get food, water, necessities. Most of our Vi Bella artisans have had to miss many days of work because it is simply unsafe to venture out. A vast shortage of fuel in Haiti compounds serious problems and adds to frustration and anger.

It is nearly impossible to give an adequate and accurate explanation as to what is causing all this. The causes that lead to upheaval are multifaceted. Citizens of Haiti have their own varied explanations as to why this is happening, the next steps they want to see, and the lasting change they are hoping for. Just as in most societies, not everyone in Haiti agrees on the best course of action. Most demonstrators are calling for a change in what they see as a corrupt government that has not had the betterment of its citizens as their top priority. Far too many people in Haiti live in extreme poverty, and their lives are not getting better. For now, I am going to leave politics and complex social issues out of this message. 

Most of us can agree that it is unacceptable for innocent people to live in abject poverty, and to suffer the terrible effects of living in fear and uncertainty. If you care about Haitians who find themselves in this crippling situation, you can help. Please support Vi Bella and other businesses who are working hard in Haiti to provide good, stable employment to lift people out of poverty. It is challenging to keep a business running in Haiti even in the best of times, but when workers cannot even come to work, the struggles are magnified, almost to a breaking point. At this time, businesses that support good jobs in Haiti need your purchases just to keep their doors open in the future. 

In addition to Vi Bella, check out these:

Haiti Design Co.

2nd Story Goods

Haiti Made

Papillon Marketplace

Deux Mains

Rosie's Boutique Haiti

We appreciate your support more than words can say. Of course you do not need to be a person of a certain faith to be a part of the Vi Bella community, love the people of Haiti or support them. We can all join together to make this world a better place. 

For those of you whose faith compels you to want to pray for positive change in Haiti, we invite you to join us in prayers of unity. Please join all of us at Vi Bella, and invite people in your circle of influence to pray everyday for the next two weeks at 9:00am and at 9:00pm Central time for:

  1. Peace for the country of Haiti
  2. Safety and care for the “innocents”, those who through no fault of their own are harmfully affected by turmoil and conflict
  3. Strength and wisdom for the many dedicated, gifted people who live and work in Haiti and are trying to bless others and do good
  4. Positive resolution to conflict
  5. An end to corruption and lawlessness 
  6. Justice for the oppressed; a more fair and just society
  7. A return to safe, “normal”daily life where children attend school, markets are open, transportation is moving, work can happen
  8. Strength for Christians in Haiti and a call to mighty, unified, Spirit led prayer
  9. Christ to reign in Haiti and defeat for the enemy that wants to “kill, steal, and destroy.”

Here are a couple of photos that show where Vi Bella artisans need to pass on their way to work.

Thank you for caring, for supporting, and for praying.

Julie Hulstein